


[SM] Listing 2 commands for: Admin Help
[Name]            [Type]      [Help]
sm_help           console      Displays SourceMod commands and descriptions
sm_searchcmd      console      Searches SourceMod commands
[SM] Listing 2 commands for: Anti-Flood
[Name]            [Type]      [Help]
say               console      say messages
say_team          console      say team message
[SM] Listing 5 commands for: Basic Fun Votes
[Name]            [Type]      [Help]
sm_votealltalk    admin        sm_votealltalk
sm_voteburn       admin        sm_voteburn 
sm_voteff         admin        sm_voteff
sm_votegravity    admin        sm_votegravity  [amount2] ... [amount5]
sm_voteslay       admin        sm_voteslay  
[SM] Listing 4 commands for: Basic Fun Commands
[Name]            [Type]      [Help]
sm_burn           admin        sm_burn <#userid|name> [time]
sm_play           admin        sm_play <#userid|name> 
sm_slap           admin        sm_slap <#userid|name> [damage]
sm_slay           admin        sm_slay <#userid|name> 
[SM] No commands found for: Admin File Reader
[SM] Listing 2 commands for: Basic Info Triggers
[Name]            [Type]      [Help]
say               console      say messages
say_team          console      say team message
[SM] Listing 8 commands for: Basic Comm Control
[Name]            [Type]      [Help]
say               console      say messages
say_team          console      say team message
sm_gag            admin        sm_gag  - Removes a player's ability to use chat.
sm_mute           admin        sm_mute  - Removes a player's ability to use voice.
sm_silence        admin        sm_silence  - Removes a player's ability to use voice or chat.
sm_ungag          admin        sm_ungag  - Restores a player's ability to use chat.
sm_unmute         admin        sm_unmute  - Restores a player's ability to use voice.
sm_unsilence      admin        sm_unsilence  - Restores a player's ability to use voice and chat.
[SM] Listing 9 commands for: Basic Chat
[Name]            [Type]      [Help]
say               console      say messages
say_team          console      say team message
sm_chat           admin        sm_chat  - sends message to admins
sm_csay           admin        sm_csay  - sends centered message to all players
sm_hsay           admin        sm_hsay  - sends hint message to all players
sm_msay           admin        sm_msay  - sends message as a menu panel
sm_psay           admin        sm_psay   - sends private message
sm_say            admin        sm_say  - sends message to all players
sm_tsay           admin        sm_tsay [color]  - sends top-left message to all players 
[SM] Listing 8 commands for: Basic Commands
[Name]            [Type]      [Help]
sm_cancelvote     admin        sm_cancelvote
sm_cvar           admin        sm_cvar  [value]
sm_execcfg        admin        sm_execcfg 
sm_kick           admin        sm_kick <#userid|name> [reason]
sm_map            admin        sm_map 
sm_rcon           admin        sm_rcon 
sm_reloadadmins   admin        sm_reloadadmins
sm_who            admin        sm_who [#userid|name] 
[SM] Listing 1 commands for: Admin Menu
[Name]            [Type]      [Help]
sm_admin          admin        Displays the admin menu 
[SM] Listing 4 commands for: Basic Votes
[Name]            [Type]      [Help]
sm_vote           admin        sm_vote  [Answer1] [Answer2] ... [Answer5]
sm_voteban        admin        sm_voteban  [reason]
sm_votekick       admin        sm_votekick  [reason]
sm_votemap        admin        sm_votemap  [mapname2] ... [mapname5] 
[SM] No commands found for: Reserved Slots
[SM] Listing 6 commands for: SourceBans
[Name]            [Type]      [Help]
sb_reload         admin        Reload sourcebans config and ban reason menu options
sm_addban         admin        sm_addban 